
Friday, 31 August 2018

Evaluation of my Animated story

In the context of the NZ Election I will design and produce a an Animated Story for pre-teens, teenagers and adults in the Tamaki Community to be used to learn more about the election.

My aninmated story is currently under construction. Could you please help me , by giving me feedback on my conceptual desing of my Animated story.


  1. Hi Jonathan
    This looks like a great animated story to watch
    This is my positive feedback you should fix your sprites like for example you should put your characters on the ground of your backdrop. But this looks really amazing so you need to finish the full version of your animated story.
    Well done Jonathan keep it up

  2. Hi Jonathan
    Good work for fixing your animated story amazing work!!

  3. Hello Jonathan,
    This is an outstanding piece of work for your knowledge of scratch. I really do like your creativity that you have put upon this piece of work. I enjoy your character selection, and the backdrop you used. Although there are a few things that could potentially change. Firstly, our animated stories are not based on the election, and also maybe you could make the characters speak a bit faster.

    - Jack


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