This week for kiwi sport is Netball and we play a game that is kind of golden child but it is different and this game there two teams one team is ruining . The other team make circle and there one person in the middle of the circle and they have to pass to each other to get to the last and change the middle person and when the team pass to the last person , then the other team have to stop running around the court . Then we play real netball and my team was losing at netball and then we have to pass five times to shot the ball into the hoop and I keep blocking people that were pass to each other and I block some other team that were trying to a goal . But it is hard because we play another game that need speeding hands to catch the ball ,but Jeremiah was the fasted one that beat 19 people and I beat one .
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Reading-Catching Eels
Today for reading I have made a DLO about catching eel and it was easy to make this DLO about catching because I been fishing before with my dad we, but we don't catch eels ,but I catch the fish instead and It take lots of time to catch some eels . But this DLO is catching eels from the river and I fish at the sea but at the river .
Evaluation of my Animated story
In the context of the NZ Election I will design and produce a an Animated Story for pre-teens, teenagers and adults in the Tamaki Community to be used to learn more about the election.
My aninmated story is currently under construction. Could you please help me , by giving me feedback on my conceptual desing of my Animated story.
My aninmated story is currently under construction. Could you please help me , by giving me feedback on my conceptual desing of my Animated story.
Animated story
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Term 3 - Read theory progressed
Today for reading I have been reading and this is my progress for readtheory and I have been only to grade four but wanted to stayed on four , and try my hardest to go pass level four ,but it was getting harder and harder by the grade that I wanted to reach. So when a failed my four grade then I go down and down, but I wanted to go up and up and up to the 5 grade it my goal and I have to consistent to go for a another grade . I have level 1 ,2,3,4 and that it but I will try to get up to different level. This helps me for reading and focusing on my Consistent so I can get more understand about the ReadTheory.
Friday, 24 August 2018
school trip,
sky tower
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Scale drawing - Jonathan

Last week was maths week and we did scale drawing and it was cool about drawing the your favorite cartoon charter or anime charter and I pick charmander because it was cool , then I went a make a grid it was hard to make the grid because I have to be ruling out the line and the top of the picture. So when you finish making the lines we show the teacher's then we get a A3 papper and make a grid but it was so tough because the page were big and I didn't where to start , and after that I went and draw my picture but it was so hard because I don't like drawing, But it was fun drawing the picture that I have picked.
Scale drawing
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
PechaFlicker - Writing
On Tuesday for our writing we were put into group of two and my partner names was Neveah and we were making a PechaFicker and it was hard because we were putting photo and writing a story with the photo and our story was about a cheetah hunting down a buffalo and I had lots of fun and I learnt to make a PechaFlicker . I also learnt that me and my partner were communicating with each other with the DLO , Then we made a video about the PechaFlicker and it was hard because me and partner was reading it and it was hard to make a video because there 17 takes to make this simple video and it was finely was made . I was so tired of saying the words over and over again , and some of them were like didn't knows the words or someone come in and talk through the window and Someone comes and talking to my partner.
Jonathan- digital Technologies
This week for tech we were learning about digital is like making codes in games and then we went to this site and these answer to this game call kahoot and kahoot is a games for kids so the preson that created the kahoot have to tell us was the code and also the we play a another games call.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Jonathan- Hit group
Yesterday we were doing excise and for our excise we were doing to hard to we and , so I keep working my way going to the next level .I will keep doing these excise to getting more and more puff because that my goal and we were all doing our best to make all of us puff and three excise to warm us up and start excise. And there were three students that were doing the warms and we had copy what the three were doing and our warms up were walking on the spot , and jogging on the spot ,and fast running on the spot , and slow and mid and fast star jumps . I was putting everything what I have got and I was getting every puff that I wanted to give up , but I wanted to keep going at the same time and our excise were Push Ups and Squats and Tap Step and fast Star Jumps and everyone was doing their best to be on the red , And we wear a heart motor and we cast it to the seen and it show what the heart motor on the seen it was , and I was so tried and it was fun at the same time and getting stronger and stronger .
heart motor,
kiwi sport
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Jonathan- Hit group
Today for hit we been doing excise and our excise were tap step, stars jumps , mountain climber, and we have been training hard so we can get puff , and we were doing all our best to make a heart motor goes red that and keeping it red and getting puff and all of these excise that we did today that us stringer and harder , so I keep working my way going to the next level .I will keep doing these excise to getting more and more puff because that my goal and we were all doing our best to make all of us puff and three excise to warm us up and start excise.
kiwi sport
Wheel Words
wheel words
Monday, 6 August 2018
Cook island language
Today I have learnt to speak cook island language because this week it is cook island language week. We focused on recording a speaking cook island language. We recorded a video to show how we spoke cook island we used a website called digital dialects where the had a variety of cook island words written in English and cook islands and we have to learnt about the 15 islands stands for a giant .
Cook islands,
langauge week
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Today we created a DLO show what career you want to do I chose farming this because the land My family has big so they need more people to help them with the farm animals.
Careers Oral langauge.,
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