
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Stop the possums Problems

  • LI To separate fact from Opinion
  • LI; To identify the main ideas in a text

Today I  been doing Possums and we have to make poster and we have to talk about possum and we have to put photo on and we also put facts about possums and there are 13,000000 possums and we should stop the possums by eating other animals.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


LI: To use antonyms to make our writing more interesting.
Today I have been doing Antonyms and Antonyms mean opposition meaning and it is fun to do and it is not that hard if you use and you will find lots of Antonyms.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Faces, vertice , edge

  • LI:Explore and describe faces, edges, and corners of 2D and 3D objects
  • Make, name and describe polygons and other plane shapes

LI:Explore and describe faces, edges, and corners of 2D and 3D objects.I learned about Faces,Vertices and edges and I learned what faces,vertices and edges meant.I learnt that the face is the front part of the 3-D shape,I also learnt that the vertices are the points of the shape and the last one that I learnt about is edges and edges is where the top part and the bottom meet.I learned by looking around the classroom for two different 3-D shapes and I took a photo of both of them and put it on a google drawing 
I look on the viedo and keep try to add it up . And try again and again and again to I got it what it do
28 Aug 2017 10:05:43.jpg
4x2 = 8 edge                                     
4x3=12 vertice
4x3=12 vertice                 

28 Aug 2017 10:15:35.jpg
  3+2=5  faces     
3x2 = 6 edge

3x3= 9 vertice  


Thursday, 24 August 2017

Kiwi sport

Today for kiwi sport we learnt our jumping skills. Our teacher name was Andy. First we played a warm up game it was called frog stuck in the mud, In frog stuck in the mud we have to stay tin the boundrays then ther are 5 taggers they try to tag the people who are running, If you get tagged or go out the boundrays you have to crouch into a ball and other people who are running have to leap over person on the ground. Then we learnt our jumping skills, They were bent Knees, legs shoulder width apart, Swinging your arms and Looking straght ahead. The last game we played was rock paper scissors, In rock paper scissors there are lily pads, We had to jump and land on 2 feet, We had to do that until we got to the person in the other team, Then we had to do rock paper scissors who ever lost had to go back in line and the person who won continues. 

kiwi can

                                                    Image result for kiwi can
Today we went to LS1 for a kiwican session with Mr Malu
about self control and we also play games like you have to open your legs and try to get the ball under the person next to you and that was it. 


LI: To create a hauora wall. This week for Mr Ogilvie's inquiry group we focusing on hauora. I learnt that hauora has 4 meanings to it. Spiritualwell being, Socialwell being, Physicalwell being, and mental/emotional well being. Yesterday our task was to get into groups of 4 and pick which wall you were going to create out of the 4. i chose spiritual (maori word:taha wairua).I learnt this by watching a video about hauora and to find the information 

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

LI Find fraction of an amount
today I had done this maths work I had learned what a mixed fraction is and what a improper fraction is

I learned by making this google doc and I had to use the fractions
if I did not know how to do it and it is much better if you use the pie fractions .

Main idea summarisinng

Text title: Mystery Men
I think the main idea of this text is Chris really desperate  to get a job
One example of a supporting detail is he has not job and he is poor
Another example of a supporting detail is He still turned up to the interview not wearing a suit and tried to persuade them to hire him
It is clear that the main idea is that he is poor and he needs a job

because it is one of the supporting details

  • LI To separate fact from Opinion
  • LI; To identify the main ideas in a text
Today i have been doing main idea and facts and opinion and it is every fun and we have to make the facts and Opinion. And i learn opinion and facts .

Here is the video

Super Heros

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Writing - synonyms

LI: To use synonyms to make our writing more interesting
Today I have being doing synonyms because to make it interesting  and good to read and it have lots of words that you don't no and the words have to have a capitulate it .  

Friday, 18 August 2017

Inquiry: Making An Advertisemen

L.I: Making An Advertisemen

This week for inquiry, we had to pair up with someone, and together make an advertisement advertiseing food, or other items. I paired up with Jonathan, and together we made an advert about a computer. Our company name we created was J&J's Computer Ways, and our product was J&J's EXO Computer..

Click Here To Watch Advert

Thursday, 17 August 2017

blog commenting

Hi Chris
I like the way that you guys make a Advertisement and it looks pretty good . How did you make the plan with your team . Why are you guys doing it for .And what are Advertisement go to .

Today I  did blog commenting and I have to go on someone blog and
comment on it and we have to put in question

table conga

Today I learn my 7 times table from a game called table conga .
It 's  is fun as you play on it and learn by the same time .
And I will be better than before and try my best and this game is every hard and you have to run away from the X .

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

keyboarding drills

Keyboarding Drills Level 1

Copy each row of letters on the row below. Use the correct fingers.

asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’ asdf gh jkl;’
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
fa fs fd ff fg j’ j; jl jk jj jh da ds dd df dg k’ k; kl kk kj kh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
sa ss sd sf sg l’ l; ll lk lj lh aa as ad af ag j’ j; jl jk jj jh
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
ask dad slash glad fall sasha lash salsa shall jag haha lag
flask dahl gaga salads ashfall laksa khaf gall lall shad flags
LI:  To learn touch typing
I Learn that keyboarding Drills is to help you to type and be much better to write much faster . And it make the people to write faster than before .

kiwi can

Image result for kiwi canImage result for kiwi can
Today i had learn that i can self control myself by doing that by kiwi can and we play a game are we had to run before the other team tag you and we use bean bags to get it and go to your own side and sit down on the mat. Then we do other stuff like question like around the world . 

maths week

Today I been doing maths week
I learn that I can make the maths week games and no my addition
and my number bonds and this site had showing how to be good at
maths . By that it is much better to do maths week to practising your maths

Fact and opinion


  • LI To separate fact from Opinion
I had to work with my group on this draw we had to watch a video about a mouse on sale.Then we had to write the fact and opinion on this google draw.
 And it is fun to do.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


LI: To use an apostrophe for contractions.
Today I learn that you can make a word smaller and put an apostrophe .
How by learning about the contraction to put in apostrophe. And we have to make the words small and fix the big words to small words .

Friday, 11 August 2017

Run jump throw

 L.l  run,jump,throw

Today i did run jump and throw and we did sprints and we have to stand tall and cheek to cheek and eye forwards and run Right it was fun and we have to run fast as we can and we play games that were better than before. 

inquiry- keep ourselves safe online

LI: To identify personal strengths.
LI: To express feelings appropriately.

LI: To make safe decisions.

Today we have to get in pairs and we have to make a post about keeping ourselves safe and my partner is jack and his is a good boy that make the post and we have to write down it and it was finished in 1 hour that was made. 

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Table conga

Today i did table  conga and i like this game and it is better than the games that are not for learning and i have it for long time and it is every fun to play on it .

Kiwi Can

L.l To Learn to be respectful
This week we been doing kiwi can and we play games and it was pretty hard to find the right things for the line to get much bigger. We were in groups  and we had to put in feeling that were makes a good sentence and we had fun and i had fun too.

2 words and 1 minute

My dog is big as a fluffy like fluffy ball. And he is good and he is cute and fluffy.And when we not at home he look after that and when he is  naughty he bite but he is my best friend for ever and i hope that he is with me. And my he is the best on in my life and i love him as and fluffy as a ball . And we have fun playing ball and i like when he hug me.

LI: To cheack my work and make sense and proofread
Today Mrs Anderson came to LS1 and told us what to do and we have to pick two topic and we have to write for 1 minute and we have been doing it on the matt and there is 30 seconds to check your work . Then Mrs Anderson told us to in groups and i have Mathew and Aung Naing was in my group and it was a race and we have to make sense and read each other work. I learn that I can write more than 1 minute .

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Equivalent Fractions

  • LI: To put fractions in order
  • LI: To find fractions of shapes and lengths greater than 1

Today for maths I done a Mix and Match activitie.
I had to put the fractions in order.I learnt what
a fraction is and put them in the right place.

Monday, 7 August 2017


  • Put “a” or “an” in front of the words.
    • Mere had an egg and _a__ banana for breakfast.
    • Gran bought me _a__ chocolate and __an_ ice-cream.
    • We have _an__ orange and _a__ lemon tree in our garden.
    • _an__ octopus is bigger than __a_ crab.
    • It took me _an__ hour to draw _a__ picture of _a__ horse.
    • It is __an_ honour to work with such __a_ great man.
LI: To use “an” in front of words beginning with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)
LI: To use “a” in front of words beginning with consonant sounds (the opposite of vowel sounds).

Today i been doing vowels and we have to put the these words in these sentence the words are an and a . We have to put these words in the sentence and it is an and a these in the sentence 

summarising the main idea

key words:
  • Key words are directly connected to the topic
  • Key words are often repeated in the title and the text
  • A key word helps you to remember an important idea
Use this table to help you summarise the main ideas in a text in your own words.  It is important that you use your own words to show your understanding and to avoid plagiarism.  If you don’t know what some words mean, look them up.

Keywords from the title

Keywords from sub headings
New words I need to look up

Read the text and record key words/phrases that answer these questions:

stupendous storm ship
Indonesia, Australia, Japan, South America and North America.
In January 1992
Mr Ebbesmeyer
 Lost toys
plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs

Now using the words you wrote down summarise the text in 25 words or less.
In January 1992 stupendous storm ship Indonesia, Australia, Japan, South America and North America.Mr Ebbesmeyer  Lost toys plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs

L.I. To look for keywords and phrases
 Today we have been doing summarising and i have learn to make the main idea 
and i have  to make a copy and paste the words from the story and i have to make the 
story of the words that i made and i have a good goal